Monthly Archives: December 2014

The Most Memorable Moments of 2014

It’s December 31, 2014. It’s the last day of the year. It’s the best time to reflect on 2014 and remember what made it worth remembering. Here are the Critically Rated Most Memorable Moments of 2014. I was going to do seventeen, but it’s late and I’m lazy so you only get eleven moments.

11. Jodi Arias was a kind of hot chick who was kind of crazy who kind of killed her boyfriend. There always has to be a crazy murder case that captures the attention of the press and the public. 2014 was the time for Jodi Arias to shine.

10. Joan Rivers died during plastic surgery. Of course she did. Remember how Paul Walker died in a car crash in 2013? Life imitating art imitating life.

9. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers released Hypnotic Eye, their 13th studio album and they also went on tour. I saw them. They still rock. If you’re not jealous, you should be.

8. The Sony movie attack was pretty recent, pretty famous, and pretty stupid. We found out that Sony got hacked by North Korea because they were pissed off about a Seth Rogan/James Franco comedy called The Interview. Only stoners would have gone to see the movie. Instead it became the focal point of a multinational cyber war. Now it’s a footnote in history and a future Jeopardy question.

7. The Celebrity Nude Photo Leak was a triumphant moment for perverts around the internet. And there are a lot of perverts on the internet so it was a triumphant moment. Finally we have access to undoctored nudes of Kate Upton and Jennifer Lawrence. It sucks that they were violated and all, but c’mon, you know you Googled it too.

6.Ebola. It’s devastating in Africa, but it’s a farce everywhere else. The media likes to blow things out of proportion. They like to sensationalize. Take everything they say with a grain of salt and try not to panic while watching the evening news.

5. The San Francisco Giants won their third World Series in five years. Fuck all the haters, that makes them a dynasty. Madison Bumgarner had a postseason for the ages, and it seemed like every Giants player had a tremendous moment during the postseason stretch. Winning a championship is never easy, but it seems likes the Giants have it all figured out (at least in even-numbered years).

4. What’s with all the planes falling out of the sky? In March, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 went missing. It literally dropped off the radar. In July, another Malaysian Airlines flight was shot down over eastern Ukraine. In December, Air Asia Flight QZ6501 also went down over the ocean. Bro, it’s 2014. What the fuck, it’s more terrifying to fly now than it was in 2001.

3. Michael Brown was shot and killed by the police on August 9. Just another young black man killed by the cops, or so they thought. His death has sparked demonstrations, protests, and riots across the country. It’s a blatant reminder that racism and police brutality are still a reality in today’s society. Every couple of years tensions rise to the tipping point. It tipped over this year. It shattered on the ground. It’s obvious that things need to change. Let’s see hope they do.

2. Derek Jeter played his final season and retired. It really doesn’t deserve to be so high on the list, but it seems fitting to give him the number 2 slot. He represents the better part of baseball, despite being a Yankee. I went out to his last game against the Oakland A’s to pay my respects to one of the greatest players of all time. I’m glad I got to tip my cap.

1. Robin Williams passing away was the most memorable moment of 2014. Tons of celebrities pass away each year, but Robin Williams was different because he was so special. He was beyond gifted. He was on his own level. He made the world laugh and cry. He didn’t die of old age. He committed suicide. It wasn’t expected so it was all the more shocking. His reasons are his own, but it’s because he brought so much joy to the world while struggling with his depression that he will always be remembered. He was a part of us all and now we have to talk about him in the past tense. It’s not fair.

I wish you all the best for 2015. I thank each and everyone one of you that’s ever bothered to read what I have to say. I can’t wait to Critically Rate what 2015 has to offer.

~Brendan H. Young


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Pigeon Sounds

There is a family of pigeons that have taken up residency outside my window. The past few mornings I been woken up to pigeon sounds. Pigeons make little cooing noises. It’s not that annoying at first, but it gets more annoying the more you hear it. It’s sporadic too. You can’t predict it. They will be cooing and ruffling their feathers for a minute or two, then they will stop, I’ll start to fall asleep again, then they start cooing some more. There’s no way to tell when they will start cooing or for how long. There’s no way to stop them either. All I can do is shut my window, turn on some music, and try to drown them out. It doesn’t work. I can still hear them out there, cooing and it’s starting to drive me crazy. I might just snap, bust out my slingshot, and put roasted pigeon on the menu of my next dinner party. Fucking pigeons. I’ll find a way to stop nature one day.

Critically Rated at 7/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young

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Machete Kills

Machete Kills is the 2013 sequel to Machete. Robert Rodriguez wrote and directed it, and the one and only Danny Trejo returns as the titular character. The infamous ex-federale gets recruited by the President of the United States to stop a revolutionary who is threatening to launch a nuke at Washington, D.C. Machete must find a way to stop the attack and figure out what really is going on. That’s easier said than done because the plot is nonsensical and convoluted.

There are lots of plot twists, cameos, and absurd B movie moments. I usually like Robert Rodriguez movies, but he tries to do way too much in this film and not much of it works. I wanted to like this movie, I really did, but it’s not up to par with the original. The whole sci-fi element felt tacked on. Maybe it looked good on paper, but it doesn’t translate to the screen. I know it’s supposed to be corny and cheesy, but it doesn’t mesh well with the character of Machete. Machete is a badass, not an astronaut.

There’s a fake trailer for a potential third installment called Machete Kills Again… In Space, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. This movie was too much of a flop. Machete Kills killed Machete.

Critically Rated at 8/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young

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Picking Up Something a Stranger Dropped

I was walking to work the other day and I saw a guy drop a piece of paper on the ground without noticing. There was a family walking the opposite direction and the son stopped to pick it up, ran after the guy, and handed it back. The guy thanked him, the son nodded in return, and then everybody resumed walking. I took a second to appreciate the moment. It was probably just a receipt, but the kid didn’t even hesitate to help him out. He did it instinctively. Picking up something a stranger dropped is a simple act of kindness that can go a long way. It proves that there are still good and decent people in the world. You aren’t obliged to do it, you do it because you would want someone to do the same for you. You do it because you were raised right. You do it because you can do it. The next time you see a stranger drop something, pick it up, give it back, and make their day a little bit better.

Critically Rated at 15/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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Joe Cocker

Joe Cocker was another celebrity that we lost in 2014. He was an English singer best known for his gritty voice and spastic movements. I was born in 1985, a product of the 80’s and 90’s, and grew up hearing his cover of The Beatles classic “With a Little Help from My Friends,” which I knew mostly as the theme song to The Wonder Years. He took a Beatles song and made it his own. That’s impossible to do, but he did it. Over the years I heard more and more of his songs, I bought a few of his albums, and I even go to see him open for Tom Petty back in 2010. He put on a good show, but I wish I could have seen him in his prime when he could hit all the notes and spasm to the beat like he did in his iconic Woodstock performance. Joe Cocker deserves to be remembered, so please do.

Critically Rated at 14/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve in the night before Christmas. It’s the longest night of the year when you’re a kid. It’s the ultimate deadline for buying presents when you’re an adult. Christmas Eve is the night that Santa flies around delivering presents to Christian kids with chimneys. It’s the night when families go on walks to look at houses more festive then theirs. It’s the night when bored twenty-somethings flee the house and find refuge in hometown bars. It’s the night when lonely people stand anxiously under mistletoe. It’s the final night to sing carols and watch holiday movies and drink eggnog because you’ll be too burnt out on the season to celebrate the next night. Christmas Eve is the peak evening for Christmas. Everybody knows that Christmas interest starts to wane after opening presents on Christmas morning. It’s a fact. I read it on Wikipedia. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals… and a happy New Year.

Critically Rated at 14/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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Not Bringing Enough Cash

I work in the service industry. I rely on tips to make a living and cash is my preferred method of payment. I also live in San Francisco, and that means that there’s always something to do and it always costs more money than it should. Sometimes I end up not bringing enough cash. That sucks. It means that I failed at sticking to my budget. It also means that I have to hunt down an ATM, and I have to pay fees if I can’t find my bank’s ATM somewhere. Not only do I forget to bring cash, I get fined for it. It’s a slight inconvenience, but it’s still an inconvenience. Bah, why does life have to be so hard?

Critically Rated at 7/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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Shadow Puppets

A shadow puppet is one of the oldest forms of entertainment. All you need is a something that casts a shadow, a light source, and something to cast the shadow on. Cultures and societies all over the world have been using shadow puppets as entertainment for thousands of years. It’s simply another form of storytelling. You use flat figures or your hands to create shadows and then you can act out a little skit or scene for the amusement of others. There are articulated flat cut-outs that are intricate and can be quite detailed, but skilled shadow puppeteers can use their hands and forearms to create silhouettes of dogs, geese, elephants, human faces, and countless other things. There are a million ways to manipulate shadows into new shapes. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Be forewarned though, it’s hard to be entertained by shadows in this age of HDTVs and iPads. I wouldn’t recommend shadow puppetry as a career path. Even if you’re the best in the world, nobody will take you seriously.

Critically Rated at 10/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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End of the Year Facebook Montage

2014 is winding down and I don’t even need a calendar to know that. I just have to go on Facebook. As soon as I do, I’m bombarded by all of the End of the Year Facebook montages that everybody is posting. They are all the same. They start with a caption that reads, “It’s been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.” Then it starts breaking down their year by displaying their most trafficked pictures. It’s all the same. There’s a picture of a wedding or an engagement, there’s a picture from some sporting event, there’s a couple of friends at bars or parties, and a few shots from vacations or day trips. It’s kind of weird how everyone has different lives but still do the exact same shit. There are so many End of the Year Facebook montages that you can’t watch them all. You have to choose which ones to watch, and you’re going to choose the ones that will most likely include a picture of you. You tell yourself that you’re not going to give in and do one of your own, but curiosity sets in and you’ll see what your year looks like in review. And you’ll kind of like it because you forgot how awesome your year actually was. Then you’ll share it because everybody else is doing it too and you don’t want to jump on the bandwagon too late.

Critically Rated at 11/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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Not Returning the Shopping Cart

I had to finish buying Christmas presents the other day so I went to the local big box retailer. It was a Sunday and there were tons of holiday shoppers everywhere. It was a battle to make my way through the aisles trying to find perfect gifts and good deals. I managed to find enough shit to fill up my cart, and then I had to fight my way through the maze of cashiers. I settled on the line with the slowest cashier because I have no luck when it comes to checking out. Suffice to say that I was pretty annoyed at the world by the time I finally left the confines of the store and emerged into the parking lot. I walked to the car, filled up the trunk, and returned the shopping cart to the designated shopping cart area (you know, that place where you return the carts so that they aren’t scattered all around everywhere and cars don’t hit them). I always return the shopping cart to the designated shopping cart area. My mom raised me to be respectful and to do the right thing. I even took a couple of other people’s shopping carts back as well. Apparently they were too busy to do it themselves because the world revolves around them. I have no respect for those who practice not returning the shopping cart. They should have their shopping privileges rescinded. Don’t use shopping carts if you can’t handle the responsibility. That means putting them back.

Critically Rated at 4/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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Playback – Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers is an American band that’s been active since 1976. Tom Petty is the leader, founder, and genius behind one of the greatest bands of all time. Playback is a box set that proves how versatile and influential his music is. It’s the one album that any Tom Petty fan really needs. It’s a six-disc compilation. The first three discs are like an expanded greatest hits collection, featuring practically everything from “Breakdown” to “Mary Jane’s Last Dance.” The final three discs include alternate versions, B-sides, previously unreleased songs, demos, and early songs from Petty’s first band Mudcrutch.

It’s a very thorough box set that makes you appreciate Tom Petty more than you ever would have thought possible. Some of the tracks that he cut from other albums appear in this compilation for the first time. Some of those songs are simply incredible and deserve to be released as singles. “Trailer” is one of my favorite Petty songs of all time. It probably would be one of yours too if you ever heard it. It’s got that kind of rambling, jangling rock and roll sound to it. “Up In Mississippi Tonight” is an early track that deservers more attention as well. A couple of song showcase Petty’s dry wit like “Heartbreaker’s Beach Party” and “Moon Pie.” He’s not just a rocker, he’s got a wry sense of humor as well.

Playback would get a perfect rating but it was first released in 1995 so it excludes the second half of his career. They should make a sequel box set compilation called More Playback or Playback In The Saddle Again. Tom Petty is the shit. The Heartbreakers aren’t too shabby either. Get this album. Ask for it for Christmas or use your Hanukkah money to buy it. It’s worth it.

Critically Rated at 16/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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Belated Birthday

People have birthdays. And other people forget them. It sucks. It’s life. Oh well. There’s nothing wrong with wishing somebody a belated birthday. You didn’t forget their birthday. You just didn’t remember it in time. In the old days you could get away with forgetting birthdays because you could claim that their card got lost in the mail. It’s harder to get away with it these days because Facebook tells you everybody’s birthday. All you can do is feign ignorance. Belated birthdays give you have a reason to celebrate a birthday again. Buy them a drink and give them a toast in their honor. Belated birthdays aren’t so bad as long as you get to celebrate them. I still love you. I just suck at remembering things.

Critically Rated at 12/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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Ice Bucket

This post is about ice buckets, not the ice bucket challenge (I’m so glad that shit is over). An ice bucket is a bucket for ice. Whoever named it did a good job. You can find ice buckets at restaurants and clubs for chilling champagne and white wines, but their natural habitat is in hotel/motel rooms. It’s usually on the table or dresser, sometimes it’s on the bathroom countertop or by the TV. If your hotel doesn’t have ice buckets, it’s a good sign that you should probably check out. I once stayed in a hotel room that didn’t have a refrigerator, so I called the front desk and asked for a few spare ice buckets. I put some bottles of booze and some mixers in them and filled them up with ice, creating makeshift coolers. It worked, but we had to change the ice every few hours and that got harder and harder to as we got drunker and drunker. I know that they weren’t designed to be coolers, but I wanted you to know that ice buckets are far more versatile than you give them credit for.

Critically Rated at 12/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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Futurama: Bender’s Big Score

Some things just can’t stay dead and quality programming is one of them. Bender’s Big Score is the direct-to-video film that brought Futurama back to life. It serves as both a movie and as the first four episodes of Futurama’s fifth season. Let’s do a brief recap of the show’s history: Futurama first premiered on March 28, 1999 and aired its last episode on August 10, 2003. FOX treated the show like shit and constantly changed its timeslot around. They sabotaged the ratings so they would have a reason to cancel it. They did, but Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim picked it up and aired in in syndication for a couple of years. It became a cult classic and Comedy Central bought the rights and decided to bring it back with all new episodes. Bender’s Big Score was the Futurama reunion we were all waiting for.

Matt Groening and company reunited the writers, animators, and voice cast to bring us this funny and smart feature-length story. It’s sci-fi gold. You can geek out on it and laugh hysterically at the same time. It’s about time travel and paradoxes and true love. They brought back most of the characters that you were missing and they pay homage to previous jokes while cracking new ones. I don’t even want to waste my time talking about the plot. It’s too complex and witty. I’ll just compare it to Inception because it’s the kind of movie that you need to watch multiple times so you can fully grasp what is happening. It’s funny and smart and a worthy start to a new era of Futurama.

Critically Rated at 15/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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Wet Socks

I was walking into work the other day and I got caught in a sudden downpour. I was only outside for a few minutes, but that was more than enough time to get drenched. I was completely soaked in a matter of moments. The rain seeped inside my shoes and my socks absorbed all the water like a smelly sponge. I actually had to wring them out before I started my shift. Damp jeans I can deal with. Wet socks are something I try to avoid. I would carry a spare set of socks with me on rainy days, but that seems a little excessive and kind of weird. I’ll just stick to wringing them out and popping them in the microwave to dry them out. By the way, don’t use the microwave after me.

Critically Rated at 3/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young

wet socks

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I don’t want to alarm anybody, but I smoke weed. In fact, I’m pretty good at it. I always some bud available at the house. Hit me up if you want to blaze. Anyway, one byproduct of smoking marijuana is that you’re left with an abundance of stems. The stems are the leftover traces of weed once you trim the leaves and smoke the bud. Stems are like sticks or branches. In fact, it smells and tastes like wood smoke when you burn it. It’s not an enjoyable smoke. A lot of people simply throw the stems away, but you can use them in a variety of ways. You can chew on them. It won’t get you very high but you get some of that delicious weed flavor. You can steep them in hot water and make a nice herbal tea. You can use them to make a balm for small cuts or bug bites. You can scrape the THC crystals off of them and make kief. It takes quite a few stems to make something worthwhile, but it’s better than throwing them away. Don’t be wasteful. Be resourceful.

Critically Rated at 10/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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Drake’s Jolly Rodger 2014 Imperial Coffee Stout

Drake’s Jolly Rodger is an impressive Imperial Coffee Stout. It’s brewed by San Leandro, California’s Drake’s Brewing Company and uses Blue Bottle Coffee beans to create a rich, dark stout. It pours a dark brown with a nice tan head. The aroma is coffee, chocolate, roasted malt and a hint of vanilla. The taste is of roasted coffee, dark chocolate, bready malts, nuts, and toffee. It has an impressive 9% alcohol content. This is the perfect beer for cold winter nights. It makes you want to light a couple of candles or chill by the fire with a good book. This is a sit-on-you-ass-and-not-go-anywhere beer. It means you are officially in relax mode and can ignore the outside world.

Critically Rated at 14/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young


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