Tag Archives: earbuds

Wearing Headphones on the Inside of Your Jacket

It seems today like everybody has an iPod or MP3 player or some portable music device. Half the people you see on the street are wearing headphones, and it’s become a fashion statement. And the best way to rock your headphones is wear the headphone on the inside of your jacket. It’s more streamlined and keeps that damned dangling wire from getting tangled up. It won’t get wrapped up around a random object. It won’t get snagged on something and ripped out of the jack. It’s practical and it looks good… what more do you want? Wearing your headphones on the inside of your jacket or hoodie is the only way to go. Get on it.

Critically Rated at 15/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young

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Filed under Random Rants

The Wrong Earbud

Lots of people have iPhones and iPods because Apple has taken over the world. So you see lots of people rocking those iconic white headphones. You might have noticed that they have an L and an R on each ear bud so you know which ear to stick them in. The L bud goes in your left ear. The R bud goes in your right ear. It’s a pretty simple concept but some people don’t get it. Maybe they don’t want to conform (but then they wouldn’t have an iPhone). Maybe they are just really lazy or super ignorant. They look pretty retarded either way. And it’s pathetic not being able to listen to music right.  Apple products are expensive and trendy so you want to show them off. Wearing your headphones wrong is like buying a designer shirt and wearing it inside out. You’re telling everyone that you can afford it but don’t deserve it. I might not ever learn your name but I already know that I despise you.

Critically Rated at 6/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young

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Filed under Random Rants

Forgetting Your Headphones

Portable music players are really good for listening to music on the go (obviously). It seems like everyone has an mp3 player or a smartphone with mp3 capabilities these days. But forgetting your headphones makes your mp3 player a glorified paperweight. What good is a music player if you can’t hear the music? Forgetting your headphones for your daily commute is annoying enough, but forgetting them when you go on a vacation is downright frustrating. Music is essential for any road trip/train ride/flight. It drowns out engine noise, loud passengers, and crying babies. They make it easier to ignore people. Without your headphones you might have to make conversation or read a book to pass the time. Or you could take a shit ton of sleeping pills, that’s probably more fun.

Critically Rated at 4/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young

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