Tag Archives: waking up early

Waking Up Early On Your Day Off

I typically work six days a week, meaning that I’ll only have one day off to relax. But I can’t relax because I usually have a bunch of neglected errands to run. At the very least, you should be able to sleep in on your day off, but sometimes you can’t. Sometimes you have to set your alarm because you have too much shit to do. Waking up early on your day off sucks. But you’re an adult now and you have to pretend to be responsible. Reality fucking blows. I’d rather sleep in.

Critically Rated at 3/17

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Staying Up Late and Waking Up Early

I have a pretty set schedule, but every once in a while I have to wake up early for some lame reason or another. Waking up an hour or two earlier is not a big deal, but for whatever reason I never go to bed an hour or two earlier the night before to compensate. Most of the time I stay up even later than I normally would. Maybe I’m trying to sabotage myself. Staying up late even though you have to wake up early is a common occurrence; on some level we are all gluttons for punishment.

Critically Rated at 7/17

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Waking Up Before Your Alarm Goes Off

There you are in Slumberland, dreaming of soft fluffy clouds and falling kittens, but then your damn alarm goes off and yanks you back to reality. Your peaceful dreams are destroyed by an annoying buzzing sound. Getting annoyed awake is a terrible way to start your day. Every once in a while I get lucky. My dream will end on it’s own accord and I start gradually waking up. I’ll open one eye and glance at the time, and notice I have a minute before that shit goes off. So I turn it off so I don’t have to hear it, and open my other eye. It feels great to start your day with a little victory like that. It’s great to wake up a few minutes before your alarm. It sucks when you wake up an hour or two before it goes off and you can’t get back to sleep though.

Critically Rated at 13/17

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