Tag Archives: white noise

White Noise (app)

I don’t like paying for apps. 99% of the apps I download are free. If I paid for an app, it better be worth it. I think that the iTunes White Noise app is worth the $1.99 fee. They have a free version, but the full version is where it’s at. White Noise is a sound soother app. It plays relaxing noises to drown out annoying noises when you’re trying to sleep. They have a bunch of different sounds like White Noise, Beach Waves Crashing, Water Sprinkler, Light Rain with Birds, Rain on Car Roof, Tibetan Singing Bowl, Clothes Dryer, Crowded Room, Boat Swaying in Water, City Streets, and Amazon Jungle (my personal favorite). It has a timer function so the sound will stop after you fall asleep. There’s also an alarm clock function as well as a display clock with different color settings. Sound soothers help you fall asleep and sleeping is good. I’ve noticed that when I’m sleeping in the city I tend to play nature sounds, and when I go to my parent’s house in the suburbs I tend to play city sounds. Check out the White Noise app from TMSOFT the next time you’re having trouble sleeping. You can thank me in the morning.

Critically Rated at 15/17

Written, Rated, and Reviewed by Brendan H. Young

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